In the instant messaging world around us, and the slang and lingo of social networking sites, we sometimes forget the power of language - to do good - or to hurt. I've been thinking of this, and when I read some poetry by the amazing Elena Liliana Popescu, thought it was a moving example of how a few words can capture an important concept and emotion.
That instant
by Elena Liliana Popescu
A few words, you told yourself,
only a few words, and you created a
whole history whose present
is already yesterday, just as tomorrow
will be only the past of the one
left behind, lost
Just one word, you tell yourself,
just one word, and you come closer
in your way, to the unexpected step
towards the unknown, with no fear
of that thought that is you and is not,
of that instant in which you can be
and are...
English version: Theodor Damian
It reminded me to think with each word. To know that each word creates my world and makes my new reality. This is the instant I have, and who I am. And my words affect others, for good or ill.
I will be thinking about that for a long while.
Poetry is the gift of language to our hearts and souls. Popescu has shared her wonderful gift. I share her link, if you would like to learn more about this incredible poet, mathmetician, computer geek and humanist. To read more:
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Twink isn't much of a blogger... sometimes RL just takes over

There are so many wonderful people in my life, in my SL world, my plurk world, my RL world, and yes.... in the greater world still to explore.
And most of the friends I make, and people I learn to know and love, share a passion for knowledge, learning, and using that knowledge in creative and instructive ways. They make their world, and the world around them a much better place.
So this little blog is a thank you to all those who have helped me along the way. The friends who've reached their hand out to teach me, with a tool in it, and who patiently watched and guided me as I learned to use it. My little builds in SL are the baby steps I must take to learn to manipulate that environment. My little plurks and the sharing of data, media, urls, posts, are other steps I am taking to share more of the fun and wisdom of the world around us.
It is because of peoples' generosity of spirit, and kindliness, that I am the woman I am. I think of my father's old saying, and wonder if he hears me repeat this from whatever cloud he's ended up on (and no, I don't believe that, but it's a great image, don't you think?): Live a good and honorable life, so that when you are older you can look back and enjoy it a second time.
Thanks, Dad. I try.
So off I go to try harder. Time to help someone else, who might not be as lucky as I am today.
And who knows, someday I may just need some help. And if I'm lucky then someone will come into my world, with a hand stretched out, and a tool in it, just when I need it!
Signing off, until back from the RL Appalachian Mountain housing rehab project.
Stay well, keep in touch, and live strong and honorably.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
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